MHV-Cosinus Kft. is a company founded in 2003, whose main activities cover engineering, management, consulting, technical inspection and expert advisory tasks primarily relating to rail-bound railway infrastructure and the associated infrastructure asset system.

The Company has a project management approach and considers it a fundamental task to implement complex transport infrastructures, during which it undertakes the complete, covering all structural parts concerned, preparation, design, licensing, tendering and technical inspection of the investment until the technical and financial completion of the investment.

Our engineers and experts gained remarkable practice and experience in the complete management of different procurement procedures under the rules of international financial institutes (EBRD, EIB, World Bank) as well as under the rules of FIDIC and the Hungarian Public Procurement Act.

In the performance of its activites our Company implements the projects according to the indicative financial frameworks and contractual deadlines in all cases, working closely together with our clients and the known participants of infrastructure investments (designers, licensing authorities, building contractors).

MHV-COSINUS Mérnöki Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Abbreviated as MHV-COSINUS Kft.

Manager: Zoltán József Aranyosy managing director
Number of employees: 9 persons
Languages: English, German, Romanian, French, Russian, Czech, Slovakian and Polish
Quality assurance: ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 quality assurance system
Business contact: Zoltán József Aranyosy managing director (contact details: +36309497632, aranyosy @

Business Philosophy

Becoming the most dynamic engineering service company in the field of rail-bound transportation.

Our goals:

Be reliable: provide fair engineering services.

Take care of our partners: serve our partners and protect them from their mistakes.

Ensure financial stability: avoid borrowing and increase equity.

Become a good employer: ensure the conditions and working environment that increase the commitment of our employees.

Our values:

Commitment: We believe that working correctly without bad technical compromises, shall benefit not only the engineering performance but also the judgement of the engineering profession.

Professionalism: Resulting from the professional knowledge, complex approach, many years of professional experience and continuous training of our engineers.

Teamwork: Of which we are committed to, as we know that working together provides efficiency and flexibilty not only for our company, but also for our clients.

Reliability: Careful, accurate and trustworthy work and attitude.

Social responsibilty: As we are convinced that our company is not only responsible in its own operational environment, but its activities also have a wider social impact.

Quality Policy

In order to improve its own quality assurance system MHV-Cosinus Mérnöki Kft. introduced an ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 quality assurance system, which was certified by INTERCERT Minősítő és Tanúsító Kft. in the framework of a certification audit on 28 February 2008 that was confirmed by EMT Zrt. in the course of the audit.

We pay special attention to comply with the quality assurance system that results in the continuous improvement of the quality of engineering work.

The management is engaged in the development, maintenance and improvement of the quality assurance system based on MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards, which is the cornerstone for development. To this end:

We aim at performing client requirements to a high standard and to improve constantly our quality management system.

We seek complete customer satisfaction in our services.

We provide accurate, professional work without compromises.

We provide prompt, professional work focusing on goal-result-value.

We improve our skills and knowledge constantly to meet potential customer needs.

Organizational structure


Name Position Contact details
Zoltán József Aranyosy Managing director aranyosy @
Fanni Tóth-Csóka Head of Office titkarsag @
Tamás Czikmántory Facility engineer, technical inspector czikmantory @
Imre Kanda Main engineer, facility engineer, technical inspector kanda @
Imola Péterfi Facility engineer, technical inspector peterfi @
Gábor Regős Design supervisor, administrator regos @
Imre Tóth Facility engineer, technical inspector (railway construction) toth @
Eszter Virág Project administrator virag @